Mortgage Application Checklist
To complete your mortgage application, you'll need to provide documentation in these key areas:
Property Information
Signed purchase agreement
MLS listing sheet
If selling current home: Listing contract or settlement statement (HUD-1)

Income Documentation
Last 2 pay stubs (within 30 days)
Two years of employment history, including:
Employer contact information
W-2s or 1099s
Two months of statements for all financial accounts

Special Income Situations
Self-employed: Two years tax returns with schedules and YTD profit/loss statement
Business owners (25%+ ownership): Corporate/partnership tax returns
Rental property income: Two years tax returns and current lease agreements
Retirement income: Pension award letter
Social Security: Award letter
Child support: Divorce settlement and 12 months payment verification

Large Deposits
Documentation showing source of funds
For gifts:
Signed gift letter
Copy of gift check
Deposit receipt
Explanations for:
Paid collection accounts
Recent bankruptcies (include documentation)
Credit History
Additional Documents
Valid photo ID
Social Security verification
Address history (past 2 years)
Divorce decree (if applicable)
Non-citizens: Green card (both sides)

VA Loans
DD Form 214 (Report of Separation)
Gate City Mortgage
1107 Pleasant Street
Fall River MA 02723